Acl v2 implements an accessmodel in two layers, scope og subject.
Scope represent the exten of the right. eg. if you want to grant access to a cluster the scope is cluster.
There is a global scope called ror that aplies to the whole system
All scopes are represented by the enum type Acl2Scope .
Subject represent id of the resource the access applies to. Eg. if the scope is cluster the subject is a clusterid.
If the scope is ror the subject is a group of subject eg cluster granting access to all clusters. The largest spanning subject is Acl2RorSubjectGlobal
Valid subjects under the scope ror is defined in the const Acl2RorSubject
Scopes are represented by the type Acl2Subject that represents a string.
Scopes can be validated with the method (s Acl2Scope) IsValid() bool
Subjects can be validated against its coresponding scope with the method *(s Acl2Subject) HasValidScope(scope Acl2Scope) bool
The query to the acl v2 engine should be represented by the type AclV2QueryAccessScopeSubject
It must be created with the factory NewAclV2QueryAccessScopeSubject(scope any, subject any) AclV2QueryAccessScopeSubject
which implements type casting and validation of the query.
Access is defined by the type AclV2ListItemAccess as five boolean values representing Read, Create, Update, Delete, Owner.
The returnes accessobject can be queried with the methods representing the level of acces we want to check eg:
accessQuery := aclmodels.NewAclV2QueryAccessScopeSubject(aclmodels.Acl2ScopeRor, aclmodels.Acl2RorSubjectGlobal)
accessObject := aclservice.CheckAccessByContextAclQuery(ctx, accessQuery)
if !accessObject.Read {
c.JSON(http.StatusForbidden, "403: No access")